Is your faction sturdy or fragile?

In your opinion, is a B1 unit more robust than a basic rebel unit? One is made up of six soldiers with a one-in-six chance of parrying blows while the other, made up of four brave guys, has a one-in-three chance of saving his skin. To answer this question, you need to know how to calculate a unit’s resistance. Don’t panic for your test, I’ll go through those calculation in this article.

Archetypes, models for creating better army lists

Are you struggling to create suitable army lists? Your army list makes no sense ? Perhaps someone should pave you the way to a sturdy list ? One tip for creating coherent and powerful army lists is to follow a model that has proven its worth. In the jargon of games, these models are called archetypes. In this article, I present you the most popular Star Wars Legion archetypes.