Why should I play Marvel Crisis Protocol?

In a world where the number of tabletop gamers is constantly dwindling due to a lack of generational renewal, it’s sometimes comfortable to confine oneself to games from the sacrosanct cash machine that is Games Workshop. Yet there’s no shortage of quality products on offer, quite the contrary. One example is the excellent “Marvel Crisis Protocol” by Atomic Mass Games, distributed by Asmodee.

(Please note that this article is by no means objective, and we’ll be sure to point out any less positive aspects of the game in future articles).

A difficult start.

Marvel Crisis Protocol, or MCP for short, is a game based on the Marvel universe. The prevailing weariness of Marvel products and the absence of a translated version were detrimental to the game’s launch in France. In comparison, Shatterpoint, which is fairly comparable to MCP and has the advantage of reviving the nostalgia of lightsabers, as well as a French-language version right from the start, got off to a much more dynamic start.

The Will Pagani legacy.

And yet MCP is an excellent game, right in line with the Warmachine of its heyday. “What’s that got to do with Warmachine?” you may ask. Firstly, because of its creator, William A. Pagani, who happens to be Warmachine’s game developer. Secondly, because we can’t help noticing that MCP is just as Will thought Warmachine would be in the early days.

  • Nervous, dynamic, violent gameplay,
  • alternating activation (yes, Warmachine was originally intended for alternating activation),
  • a low-population game (between 3 and 6 miniatures)
  • extremely easy-to-learn rules and unique, complete character profiles.
  • a game of placement, where control is as important as (or even more important than) attrition.
  • restricted pre-measurement

All arguments that hit home with me.

And then… superheroes are cool.

As in Warmachine, the game is very “geometric”, with “simplistic” scenery management. But if you’re dreaming of seeing the Hulk grab a bus to use as a sledgehammer on Quicksilver, or Blade attempt to control a Juggernaut hurtling through the scenery, this game guarantees you its share of epic and immersive action. What’s more, the game’s highly intelligent system imposes no restrictions on the characters you can play as. If you want to line up Mr Sinister, Octopus and Thor side by side in your team, that’s perfectly conceivable… Whether it’s relevant from an efficiency point of view is another matter.

MCP, an “aperitif” game?

Marvel Crisis Protocol is also of great logistical interest: seasoned players will generally finish a game in less than an hour and a half. This makes it possible to play 2 or more games in an evening, for example. Miniatures and tables are easy to transport, set up and store (36″x36″ table and ten or so sets). And that’s sure to please association members. But don’t be fooled by the fact that underneath its aperitif-like appearance, MCP is sure to test your neurons on some inextricable situations and Cornelian choices.

And what about modelling?

The game also has plenty to offer paintbrush enthusiasts: the 45mm figures, whose quality has grown steadily since the game’s release, offer large work surfaces on which to apply your most beautiful gradients and other OSLs. Going from the light work on Captain Marvel and his cosmic powers, to the green skin of a Hulk, then to the red and gold NMM of Ironman, is an exercise that’s sure to stimulate the creativity of the best painters.

Generally speaking, every new character you work on, from among the two hundred available, will be a new adventure. In terms of painting, yes, but also in terms of discovering its lore, understanding its mechanics, understanding and theorizing its synergies within your roster in order to know when and why to integrate it into your team.

And what about the community?

The V2 core box was translated the last year (october 2023), and all character boxes since then have been multilingual (French, German, Italian and Spanish), which has had the effect of reinvigorating the community and increasing the number of players. For the less mobile among us, the TTS mod is very complete and ergonomic. What’s more, numerous tournaments are regularly organized throughout France and Belgium. We look forward to seeing you there. If you want to get started, don’t hesitate to join us on the French-speaking Marvel Crisis Protocol discord.

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